· Complete Intake Application
· Reside in Cleveland, McClain, Oklahoma or Pottawatomie Counties.
· Provide proof of tribal enrollment/membership (AST or other Federally Recognized Tribe)
· Selected Service Registration (if applicable).
· Complete Self-sufficiency Plan
· Also one of the following:
· Unemployed
· Underemployed
· Economically disadvantaged
· Displaced worker
· Youth
· Homeless
· Veteran Disability
· In need of child care (income and additional documentation required)
The AST 102-477 Program consolidates grant funds with similar program activities in a coordinated effort to maximize those grant funds. The 477 Program will be implemented to provide a program service model that results in a single coordinated comprehensive program or "One Stop Shop" and reduces administrative costs by consolidating administrative functions for the multiple approved grants.
The 477 Program is designed to provide resources and support to help individuals and families become economically self-sufficient while reducing the need for short-term social service intervention.
· To integrate employment, training, education, supportive services and related programs in order to improve their effectiveness in leading to participant self-sufficiency.
· To help identify and resolve barriers that participants may face in their pursuit of employment, training and education endeavors.
· To end dependency of needy parents on public assistance programs.
· To reduce current unemployment rates among tribal members and other federally recognized tribal members residing in the service area.
· To promote job readiness through preparation and self-advocacy resulting in sustainable employment for eligible participants.
· To provide and expand services that allow for safe and healthy environments for children.
· To provide continuous services to children while enabling parents and guardians to seek gainful employment, obtain educational goals, as well as providing them with a comprehensive family support system.
· To strengthen cultural and language development within all Absentee Shawnee Tribal members to encourage self-sufficiency.
· To serve tribally determined goals consistent with the policy of self-determination and self-governance.
· To improve the availability, affordability, quality and coordination of child care programs and early child development programs in an attempt to serve all eligible families.
1. Complete application and provide as much documentation as possible with application.
2. Intake Clerk will review your application and set up an interview appointment with you and the assigned Caseworker.
3. During the interview, you and the Caseworker will review your application and discuss your barriers to employment as well as your goals and how the AST 477 Program can help you achieve your goals.
4. An Individual Self-sufficiency Plan (ISP) will be formalized to show the steps both parties will take to help the participant achieve their goals and become successful for the agreed period up to 12 months.
5. The Caseworker will check in with you and make sure you are continuing to be successful with your employment and/or training goals as well as the need for any support services.
6. At the end of the 12 months, there will be an exit meeting to determine if additional time is needed to meet goals or if you successfully meet your goals and graduate from the program.
421 N Beard Street
Shawnee, OK 74801
214 N Oklahoma Aveue
Shawnee, OK 74801
2025 S Gordon Cooper Drive
Shawnee, OK 74801
Phone: 405.878.4545
Briana Ponkilla, ext. 3507
Executive Director
Heather Deatherage, ext. 3646
Assistant Executive Director
Connor Edwards, ext. 3639
Operations Specialist
Scott Miller, ext. 3528
Language Coordinator
Jaylan Gibson, ext. 3660
Language Specialist
Melinda Ferrell, ext. 3667
Outreach Coordinator
Stephanie Martinez, ext. 3640
Youth Case Manager
Kim Porter, ext. 3638
Adult Case Manager
Nicole Byrd, ext. 3665
Adult Case Manager
Shawna Spoon, ext. 3669
Case Specialist
Eternity Vick, ext. 3650
Case Specialist
Denise Gonzalez, ext. 3666
Intake Specialist
Whitney Carpenter, ext. 3661
Intake Clerk
April Moudy, ext. 3662
Intake Clerk
Adam Trammell-Lane, ext. 3663
Intake Clerk